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Misc. Student Travel Programs

Miscellaneous ERAU Programs

Sometimes we offer ERAU programs that do not fit the traditional Exchange, Summer, or Winter Program models (for example: a spring program tied to an ERAU class). Any such programs will be found on this page, so continue checking this site since you never know when one might pop up!

Miscellaneous Non-ERAU Sponsored or Non-ERAU Partner Student Travel

Are you attending an external (non-ERAU sponsored or non-partner) study abroad or study domestic program? If so, you are required to complete the following application for tracking and statistical purposes ONLY. This application should only be completed if the program you are attending is NOT sponsored by or a partner of  ERAU. If you are not sure if the program you want to attend is sponsored by or a partner of ERAU, please contact us. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact the Office of Global Engagement.
IMPORTANT: if you are participating in a non-ERAU sponsored program, please work with your advisor to make sure you get credit for the classes you take. Additionally, you may need to fill out a Permission to Take Classes Off-Campus petition. Please check with your Advisor about both getting credit for a non-ERAU sponsored program and the need to complete an Off-Campus Petition. 


Please be clear about naming the program. If you are Project GO, please write "Project GO" first then the name of the country (i.e. Project GO: Taiwan). Semester at Sea is just "Semester at Sea" since you have multiple destinations.
For other programs, please name the company and then the location (i.e. CIEE: Brazil).
If you have question about naming, please contact us.

Miscellaneous Travel Application